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Call Center Solution

Enhanced Customer Experience: We understand the significance of delivering exceptional customer experiences. Our call center solutions are designed to help your agents provide personalized, efficient, and empathetic support to each customer interaction, fostering long-lasting relationships with your clientele.

Order Processing: We ensure efficient and accurate order processing, enabling you to focus on fulfilling customer demands promptly. Technical Support: Count on our skilled technicians to troubleshoot and resolve technical problems, ensuring your customers receive the assistance they need.

Easy to Use

We give you the most reliable and ultimate webinar software for business which is very much easy to configured and also to install.

More Secure

Sellnimo provides you the most integrated user friendly service with the most proficient CRM based software which helps in reducing your paper work.

Customer Support

Sellnimo provides you the most integrated user friendly service with the most proficient CRM based software which helps in reducing your paper work.


Agent can work from anywhere.

100% live recording.

Easy to check Individual agent performance Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc.

Whatsapp and SMS to client by agents in one click.

Easy to maintain Leads and their follow ups.

Thanks message auto scheduling after each call.

Agent can do large number of calls in a day.

Team Leader can easily assign Leads to agents.

Easy to check total Leads converted to sales.

Easy to maintain agent status as active or in active.

Easy to write remarks by agents in regards of particular client after each call.

Call history like date, time, duration easy to maintain

Easy to schedule calls as per clients conversation.

You can download recording and listen at any point of time.